
Friday, December 21, 2012

The Countdown is on!

TWO 1.5 more hours people!
Then I am free (hopefully) from work for 11 days!
Holy guacamole!
(can you tell i'm just a leeetle excited?!)

there is so much i need to do... since i've been working my butt off i'll fill you in on some of the happenings (in bullet form of course)

  • we are hosting Christmas Eve dinner for G's family. the menu includes a lasagna, green beans, mashed potatoes and... a NINETEEN POUND TURKEY! like whoa! wish us luck, we brine tomorrow!
  • i am *almost* done with my christmas shopping. just a few more last minute gift cards to pick up from target this weekend and we can call it a wrap!
  • i'm soooooo curious as to what i'm getting for christmas! even though i said i didn't really need or want anything, my stocking appears to be full! however, i was banned from looking at and/or even touching said stocking until Christmas
  • i may have spent all last saturday night watching my favorite christmas movie ELF.
  • i also may have a small beauty product addiction... i have imposed a ban on purchasing anything else until i pay off some of those crazy annoying credit card bills. eek!
  • i'm going to meet my friend's sweet darling baby tonight and i'm super excited! who doesn't love new car baby smell? plus i got her more cute outfits!
  • we're hitting AC for NYE -- hubby scored us a free package at the Taj. this also means we're sure to LOSE money playing when we go down. But its a room for 2 nights, 5-course buffet dinner, open bar, band, NYE ball drop and brunch the next day, so we're taking advantage. now i also need to find a new dress for the occassion!
  • my car is officially MINE. well technically it belongs to me when i was married to my first husband. nothing a trip to the DMV and some divorce papers can't fix!
Since i'll probably be too lazy busy to blog, i hope each of you have a blessed holiday and you get to spend time with your families and loved ones! I'll see ya's on the other side!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate.
their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
they could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
they were filled with such joy, they didn't know what to say.
they remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
"where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse.
"this is heaven." declared a small boy. "we're spending Christmas at God's house."
when what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
and in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring
those children all flew into the arms of their King
and as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face.
and as if He could read all the questions she had
He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad."
then He looked down on earth, the world far below
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe
then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
"Let My power and presence re-enter this land!"
"may this country be delivered from the hands of fools"
"I'm taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools!"
then He and the children stood up without a sound.
"come now my children, let me show you around."
excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
all displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
and i heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
"in the midst of this darkness, I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

Written by Cameo Smith, Mt. Wolf, PA
**First seen on Kristen's blog**


Friday, December 14, 2012

Sick to my stomach...

Today opened up with yet another vicious, senseless act of violence from an incredibly disturbed individual. All these acts of extreme violence, and this one specifically on LITTLE KIDS! It just sickens me that for every person out there doing their best to live good lives, there is someone who is just PURE EVIL.

I am heartbroken for all those families that lost loved ones... the small innocent children who will never get a chance at life... the teachers and adults that died as HEROES, protecting the little ones.

So today, take a moment to love a little harder, be nicer to not only your family members and friends, but also to strangers. Moments like today shake our faith to the core, but there IS good out there. We just all have to make a conscious effort to spread the good and not the evil. So PRAY today and everyday, that this country, this world can find a way to end this unnecessary and senseless violence.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Funny & A Blate

Yo, yo, yo party peeps!

Have a few minutes in between looking at nasty, deformed male anatomy (yes, that project again) to post this HIGH-larious video that mocks Instagram... I heart my Instagram, but ya gotta admit, this is pretty funny.

And in other exciting news... my blate cherry was popped last night! 
By the darling Nikki at My Life, My Way. 

We met up for dinner at Fridays and it was SO SO great meeting her! We have a ton in common (aka arm candy & ex's) and time flew by. I definitely can't wait til we can get together again! Unfortunately we're both bad bloggers and got NO pics together... next time, promise! Go check out her awesome blog if you have a hot minute! Someday I really hope I can meet some more of you (Jenn, Shannon & Michele, and Katy you KNOW i'm talkin' to ya's!)

And that my friends, is what i have to offer you today.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday's Letters

Howdy friends!
No small talk today, let's just jump into the link-up!

Dear YouTube: Thank you for sucking me in with your endless hours of beauty blogger videos. I know now how to HAC (Hightlight and Contour), achieve false lashes with 3 different types of mascara, and have Victoria's Secret runway make-up (you forgot to mention that you still need the crazy amazing bodies though)... Dear Fridge: Sorry you're so empty. I promise to fill you this weekend... insert sad face... Dear Sims FreePlay app: You are sucking the life out of me. These SIMS are so damn needy! But let's face it, i love that i can make my own mini world of drama in the palm of my hand. You got me, i'm addicted... Dear Sephora: Thanks for the awesome $15 off of $50 coupon you so graciously stuck in my e-mail the other day. Don't mind if i do!... because i really really need more products... Dear Ulta nail polish: We have such a love/hate relationship. The color is great. The consistency of your polish sucks... Dear Work: I'm glad you finally slowed down a tad. Now i don't have to jump off a bridge... Dear CVS/Ulta/Rite Aid/Target: Thanks for being close enough so that i can fill the happiness void in my life (because of work) by buying products. Tons and tons of products. (Quick recap of what i bought this week: ELF neutral eyeshadow palette, ELF eyebrow kit, Maybelline Falsies Mascara, Ulta nail polish in Envy, mini eyebrow razor, Nivea Lip Balm Holiday pack, big round brush, Organixx Coconut Hibiscus Body Lotion, and the list goes on...)

Happy Friday Friends!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Overworked & Underpaid...

Hi Dolls!
Long time no talk to! Once again, my lovely job has consumed my life... 
But I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel (i think) and now can get back to the million and one things I've neglected including my sad empty fridge.

Anyway, in the midst of all the work madness, I thought I'd catch you guys up on the rest of the shenanigans I've been up to a la Instagram!

Top left: Making pumpkin spice cupcakes and watching the Macy's parade
Top right: Went for a bright lip look for Thanksgiving dinner with the family
Bottom left: Watched a completely embarassing killing of the Jets by the Patriots.
Bottom right: Breakfast at Perkins. My husband still plays with his food!

Top left: Got our tree on Sunday and set it up in the living room
Top right: Broke out the decorations for the rest of the house
Bottom left: Even puppies need ornaments!
Bottom right: Finished tree, just needs presents underneath!

And of course last but not least my fur child.
This guy just warms my heart.

Hope that work slows down a bit so i can get back to blogging.
Totally am missing reading and commenting on your posts!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Confess Sesh...

Top o' the mornin' to ya's! 

Scooter here, practicing my Irish accent, i mean, my mom puts me in these ridiculous shirts, so i gotta act the part, ya know?

well, now that i've confessed that i think my attire is atrocious 90% of the time, i might as well get a few other things off my back...

I confess...

that as payback for all the ridiculous outfits i have to wear, i like to cause trouble.
i can usually get away with every naughty thing i do because of my cute face and charming smile.
but not this time. ma dukes thought she was all funny and put me on blast on some website called Hmpf. i think i'll make a website called and put them up there! oh wait, i think that already exists -- its called the people of walmart or something.

oh! and check out the single most humiliating moment of my life.
are you ready for this? halloween 2012 aka "dress scooter like an a-hole day"

a monkey bellman? For realz? my mom must be smoking the good stuff to buy this for me.
i wanted to be something cool like a monster truck!
and instead i'm a f*cking monkey. with a stupid hat. kill. me. now.

anywho... moving on...

i confess, i love to sunbathe. cancer shmancer.
that sun feels glorious.
i'm gonna look like the snooki of the dog world. minus all the leopard print.

 and my last confession... maybe the best yet...

i straight up laughed my furry butt off when this happened at the vet this week.

that's my brother... with a MUZZLE! lookin' all scurred...
i said, its just a shot, take it like a MAN!
but, nooo, he had to go and get his panties in a bunch...
and see, they went all hannibal lector on his ass!
Bwahahahahahaha.... suckaaaaa....

and don't let my mom tell you she didn't laugh.
cuz she did. hard.

anyway, i'm off to take a nap, or find a place to leave a fun present that mom won't find til its too late!

*Linking up with Miss Leslie at Blonde Ambition for Confession Session...

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

Linking up today (quickly) with This Kind of Love for

And I have one word for you ladies... 

Have you watched this show yet?
If you haven't, set your DVRs!

Not only am i loving the cast and the story lines, 
but i LOVE LOVE LOVE all the music.

Such an awesome song... 
i only wish they had the acoustic version of this one that was on the show.

Who knew Hayden Panetierre had such a great voice!

Check this show out if you like country music!
i guarantee you won't be able to get the songs out of your head!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

November Bucket List

Linking up with Shannon today to update my Bucket List and see what i was able to cross off!

As you can see, i was able to cross a few things off the list.

we planted "Peter" Parsley, "Betty" Basil and "Sal"-Lantro in a cute planter
(sadly Sal and then Sal Jr, met untimely deaths)
thinking maybe "Mitzy" Mint might be the next to try since cilantro hates me.
thanks to hurricane sandy - i read more than 2 books.

1 credit card paid off in full, and i hope to have 2 more done by the end of the year
(don't even ask how many are left after that)

G and i went to AC for a weekend away

i hosted a surprise birthday brunch for my cousin this past weekend
(and have no pictures to show for it)

as you can see, i've added a few things on to the list to replace what i've done.
hopefully i can cross more off this month!


Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Meep! Meep!

Do you ever have days where you feel like this guy?

That's how I feel everyday lately.

Too much to do, too little time to do it.

Hence, my poor blog gets neglected.
My unpainted nails get neglected.
Even my poor puppies get neglected --
ok that's a stretch, i just totally slacked on making a vet appt for them.

And there is no end in sight.

With this new nor'easter headed this way, i am PRAYING we don't get hit hard.
Because i have enough ish to do.

Restocking my fridge
(who's looking forward to having to spend tons of money on things like ketchup)

Dr, dermatologist, vet & car appts galore!
(let's just conveniently leave out the fact that i procrastinated on every one of these)

Christmas Shopping
(ok, this is not a necessity, but i reallly wanna get this done early this year)
Planning my cousin's birthday brunch
(oops, with the hurricane throwing all my dates off, i almost forgot about this, THIS weekend!)

oh and


In the midst of all this, i'm looking for some opportunities to volunteer to help
Restore the Shore
and help all those less fortunate than i was.

What's been keeping you busy lately?

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sandy, can't you see, I'm in misery

And by I, I mean, the entire Jersey shore, part of NY and every other area Sandy body slammed...

Luckily, I live about 20 minutes west of the actual beach... or what used to be the beach.

This is what used to be the Seaside Heights boardwalk. Yeah its got that rep from those a-holes on Jersey Shore, but its where i grew up. Every weekend of every summer, with my parents, riding the rides, Then when i was a teenager, hanging out with friends. Then when i was in my 20s, getting a slice of pizza pre- or post-fist pumping.

Here's Spring Lake, NJ where they just re-built the boardwalk 6 months ago. This was taken by my cousin's boyfriend who's a volunteer firefighter.

Despite the blurriness, you can see the destruction. This was early in the hurricane, now its totally gone.

As I said, we're about 20 mins west (inland) of the shore... and have been without power since Monday night. I was able to get most of my food to my mothers (she has a generator) fridge so i only lost about half of it. and we're surviving on candles and lots of soup. They're estimating 7-10 days of power loss, but praying its less.

Day 1

Day 2 - candle lit dinner
Day 3 - reading by candle light.
Day 4 - candles AND flash lights
Day 1  was Monday night -- we were cuddled in bed watching a movie. Little did we know it was the beginning of a very long week. We also learned, we are NOT well prepared - no gas in our cars, no cash in our house, no bottled water... LESSON Learned. Well played Sandy, well played.

Day 2 - i venture out to bring my fridge stuff to moms... a 5 minute trip takes almost a half hour due to road closures.

Day 3 - gas light on in the car leads to an HOUR and a HALF wait at the turnpike rest stop. on my way home, i debate stopping at wegmans. the only store in the area with a generator. parking lot is MOBBED. i later heard there were several "fights" that broke out there... glad i didn't stop. #iloveramen

Day 4 - my parents have power! but nothing else super exciting. Cell service is slowly returning.

Day 5 - today -- made it to the office after several re-routes due to road closures. Gonna hang here for a bit and then head home. Looking for places i can volunteer over the weekend to help those less fortunate than me.

Please keep NY/NJ in your prayers as we continue to clean up from that bitch Sandy! LOL

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Eff. Marry, Kill - Saved by the Bell

Too fun not to link up quickly today...

Heading back into the good old 90's for my choices...
with the guys from Saved By the Bell...

I think the choices here are fairly obvious....

Eff---- Screech. SIKE.... obviously AC Slater, with those dimples, those muscles... we'll ignore the bad hair and spend one glorious night shacked up with him. #pleaseandthankyou

Marry ---- You know i'm picking the baby-faced blondie Zach Morris. Though, i do have to say, i did somewhat give Screech a real shot at winning this category as he was pretty smart (aka i wouldn't have to work) and i wouldn't have to worry about him cheating on me, because, let's face it, look at him.

Kill ---- alas, RIP Screech. You're just too downright annoying to live.

And there ya have it. Who are your choices?

Friday, October 19, 2012

Jumping back

Whoo hoo! Fun Photo Fridays are back!

Link up with this gorgeous girl here!

Today I'm going back to the days where my job was FUN.
We had a great sense of teamwork, morale and overall friendship.
And i loved every second of it.
Since then, many of my co-workers have moved on,
half of them are still with us, but working in another building,
and things just aren't the same.

Luckily I've been able to form good friendships with many of my co-workers that extend outside the office. And  we'll always have the memories of the good times we shared.


Thursday, October 18, 2012

It's Ok!

Here we go for a "quickie" post today.
Link up HERE or HERE

It's OK...

that i was a blog slacker all week so far. once again due to being so busy at work. i know i know, story of my life. LOL

that i had a major shopping #fail this past weekend.

Can we say Asian Where's Waldo anyone? Or how about the Asian Pilgrim? i know, be jealous of how hot i look. (No, i did NOT buy either of these.)

that i dropped $20 on pink hair extensions yesterday. BUT they were for a good cause.

that i can't control my spending lately... the beauty junkie in me has reared her full-face make-up, fake lashes head.

Garnier Nutritioniste Skin Renew Anti-Dark-Circle Eye Roller

Mineralize Skin Finish -- Soft and Gentle
Mineralize Skin Finish -- Give me Sun!

that i decided to start my Christmas shopping early and have only actually bought 1 gift so far.

that i'm ready to drink my face off this weekend in AC!

What's OK with you this week?!