
Friday, June 10, 2011

Going - Going - GONE...

But only for a few days! Finally headed to Myrtle Beach on our much anticipated Birthday vacation!

Ma Dukes is still a bit sour that i won't be around to celebrate my birthday with the family... but i would MUCH rather be parked in a beach chair, with my floppy hat, a book, and a drink in hand (if possible)! Can ya blame a girl?

Insert me here
I know you all will miss me terribly while i'm away... but i'll be back with tons of pictures (hopefully) and a great recap of the long weekend... and a play by play of if G and I want to murder each other after being in a car together for a jazillion hours... hehe... hope he's ready to listen to 11 hours of GLEE! (i kid, i kid!)


Actually, by the time you are reading this (since i am a genius and have learned how to "schedule" posts) we should be arriving or close to arriving IN myrtle beach. Unless of course Gloria (yes, i named the lady that comes out of my navi) gives us wrong directions a la Michael Scott in the office where he turned into a lake. That Gloria can be a real whore sometimes i tell ya. So cross your fingers G is smarter than Michael Scott and doesn't drive us IN to the Atlantic.

Later gators, i'll be back on Tuesday! Have a great weekend!

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